Monday, May 18, 2009

Views of Lt Col MA Siddiqui


Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 9:03 AM

Subject: Fwd: Re: "REPORT MY SIGNAL" - IESM SITREP - 16 MAY 09 - EMAIL417/2009 - 17 MAY 09 - (R to S)

Dear All,
It is very easy to sit on the fence and watch the fun and grab an opportunity to comment .We have not fought an election and lost. There is no need to lose heart. Ours is a voluntary organisation, where the senior functionaries have put in selfless service and devoted their precious time in giving the IESM movement the desired impetus and momentum. Rather than laud their efforts, we are trying to belittle them.
The core group should no doubt meet, but only to take stock of the situation and decide the future course of action.Gen Kadyan and party we are solidly behind you and have trust and faith in your ability. After all, the UPA was never against our interest and now that they have come to power with a solid majority, I am sure they will not neglect our interest.


Lt Col MA Siddiqui (New Delhi)