Thursday, May 7, 2009

Views by Brig Kiran Krishan

From:kiran krishan
To:Kamboj Chander; TRUNCATED
Sent:Tuesday, May 05, 2009 3:36 PM
Subject:Reaching out to villages

In our bid to spread the IESM message, and to canvas support for the BJP for the elections in Haryana, once again four of us ─Lt Col SS Kalia, Col RS Kaushal, Brig SS Jaswal, and Brig Kiran Krishan visited three villages, Kandiala, Kiratpur, and Karanpur on May 3 (Sunday). The response was excellent at Kandiala, good at Karanpur, and lukewarm at Kiratpur. All the meetings were addressed by Lt Col SS Kalia and self, ably supported by Brig Jaswal and Col Kaushal. There is a lot of curiosity about the movement, and OROP. The ex-servicemen would also like us to deal with certain other issues, such as recruitment quotas, and local problems. By and large, they welcome the IESM initiative but would like the membership fees drastically pruned. This is recommended to be favourably considered at your end, and a ruling given at the earliest.

We distributed the pension tables sent to us with a write-up on Jan 8, 2009 or thereabouts by Maj Gen Satbir Singh. It is reiterated that this handout needs to be updated with our latest achievements. A translation in Hindi and local languages is strongly recommended. About 40 application forms were distributed, along with other IESM literature. We intend following up after the elections.

More such visits are planned.

We are using own resources for the visits.


Brig Kiran Krishan, SM (Retd)
Coordinator, IESM, Panchkula

From: topdocbhalla@ topdocbhalla@
Subject: RE: "REPORT MY SIGNAL" - EMAILS FROM MEMBERS - SET 1 - EMAIL- 379/2009 - 05 MAY 09 - (A to B)
To: kamboj_cs@yahoo.
Date: Tuesday, 5 May, 2009, 10:38 AM
Pressure groups like IESM will always play a significant role as long as the only interest they espouse is of the community (in this case the Ex-servicemen) without being aligned to any Political Party at any time. This time we are with BJP because BJP is backing us, if BJP betrays us (it betrayed RAM) we shouldn't stick to them.
(IESM has also said that the present support to BJP is a one time affair –
Chander Kamboj)
Our Motto should always be "Justice for Servicemen & Ex-Servicemen is Justice for the Nation & Nation stands first".

Defence Servicemen form the first line of Defence, & ex-servicemen provide the strategic depth in the form of a motivated cadre of civlians who are fearless, honest, sincere and have a pan-national approach as individuals, and as head of families that share the same values. Any Government that Demotivates Defence Servicemen & Ex Servicemen can only be termed Anti-Nationall) .

Wg Cdr Bhalla