Monday, May 18, 2009

Views by Col TN Baba / Maj Ravindran/ Wg Cdr DP Sood

From: Baba Tiruvalam

Subject: Election Results and after

Date: Sunday, 17 May, 2009, 7:31 AM

The election results are out and Congress and UPA got better resulta than the other parties.

As for the ESM and the issues related to them are concerned the election results do not change the fact that the UPA Govt failed to address the genuine grievances of the Armed Forces and the ESM in a timely manner and instead showed utter insensitivity. It took more than a year of peaceful demonstration by the ESM through IESM and the heat of the elections to make the Govt realise that the issue of OROP (which they categorically said not feasible financially & legally on the floor of the Parliament) needs re-examined. This would not have been possible but for the steadfast efforts by all members of IESM particularly the unwavering leadership by Gen Kadyan and his team.

Infact we should now focus on the fact of Govt's willingness to re-examine the OROP issue and get justice for the ESM. As a member of IESM I will continue to support this cause as hithertofore till I am able to get back the Medals deposited with the President of India after getting the undiluted OROP sanctioned.

Best Regards,

Col. T N Baba (Veteran)
From: Ravindran Major
Subject: Re: "REPORT MY SIGNAL" - EMAILS RECEIVED FROM MEMBERS - EMAIL 415/2009 - 16 MAY 09 - (R to S)
To: ""REPORT MY SIGNAL" (CS Kamboj)"
Date: Sunday, 17 May, 2009, 8:17 AM
Yes, things should be easier now though the ... (edited) ... in govt may incorporate IESL reps and give prominence to them and downplay the role of IESM, even going to the extent of casting aspersions, the community as whole can look forward to some crumbs being thrown at us. The Movement itself will have to be strengthend to finally achieve what we have aimed to achieve.

regads n bw

(Maj Ravindran)
From: dharam sood
Subject: Re: "REPORT MY SIGNAL" - IESM SITREP - 17 MAY 09 - EMAIL 418/2009 - 17 MAY 09 - (R to Z)
Date: Monday, 18 May, 2009, 8:17 AM
decision was a combined and united step. we all must stand by it. let us not start bikering.
in any case our cause is just. a party like congress is not likely to be vindictive. so let us wait & see.

wg cdr dp sood,
