Wednesday, April 8, 2009

View of a Veteran..Interesting Read 09 Apr 2009

From: yogi singh
Date: 2009/4/5
Subject: Issues to for Rally

My dear Sir,

As can be seen, you have provided most creditable leadership to IESM movement during last three months and really do not need any advise from a bystander like me. However being a most interested bystander (for the present) I would take the liberty of flagging some issues for the forthcoming Rally.

(a) It is indeed strange that in the midst of a global meltdown the PM can make unsolicited offer of $ 20 Billion to developed world to tide over its problems but can not spare 2200 Crore for its ex-servicemen.

(b) Congress Party which has ruled for 51 years after 1947 has through a string of wilful actions reduced the honourable profession of soldiering to being the last choice from first place it enjoyed in 1947. Why has it happened.

From: yogi singh
Date: 2009/4/6
Subject: Issues for the rally,

Dear Sir,

Please pardon my attempt at rendering unsolicited advise. But do believe me it is solely motivated by good of the retired and serving soldiers and the Country.

1. Downgradation of soldier over the last 60 years has been a delibrate exercise undertaken by the Congress who have foisted a huge fraud on the nation to claim monoply over the Independance Movement. Success of this fraud is contigent upon constant ridiculing and downgradation of all other who have made substantial contribution towards Nation's independance and later growth, namely the Armed Forces and Netaji Subhash Chander Bose.

2. With a bureaucrat at the helm of affairs from a party with known history of anti-soldier mindset it is but natural that Sixth CPC and Committee of Secretaries were used to heap injustice on the soldiers.

3. In such a scenerio it is but natural that all attempts to have the matter of OROP resolved through administrative route have been stymied.

4. Given their historical antipathy towards all that is military and nationalist and subserviance towards all that is Western it is but natural that PM from Congress will give $20 Billion to IMF to bail out rich of the world but will not spare even 2200 crores every year for OROP.

5. Our interests as soldier are intimately tied with those of the farmers and workers. These two are suffering as much as the soldier under the present regime. Farmers are committing sucide while the funds under NREGA are cornered by Congress functionaries and funds set aside for loan waver are used by rich banks to compensate for non-performing assets and Indian reserves are used by the PM and his `master' for ingratiating themsleves with the West.

6. Agitation is the only way out. Ex-servicemen must fan out and devote next month in educating the farmers and workers about the fraud being played on all of us.

with best regards
