Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mail from Maj Atul Dev on Connect with BJP

From: Atul Dev
To: CS Kamboj ; Chander Kamboj
Cc: CK Sharma
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 12:00 AM

Dear Chander,

I am writing in after a long time. Have watched with interest your progress over time. Will put in my 'two pice' worth in due course!

In the meanwhile I note that the IESM has cast its lot with the BJP for the coming elections. Could I request if you would pass on to all our Members that if they wish to keep themselves abreast of happenings in BJP they can do so with a simple SMS.

Please type message:


and SMS it to '575758' (toll free)

Friends who so respond will thereafter get regular updates from Friends of BJP.

I will be grateful if this is circulated in the best way you deem fit.

With warm regards,

Major Atul Dev (Retd)