Sunday, March 14, 2010

Donation Rs. 10000 by Brig SS Jaswal , Panchkula

From: Brig S S Jaswal
Sent: 13 March 2010 15:03
To: Lt Gen Raj Kadyan
Cc: SMMaj Gen Satbir Singh; Maj Gen PK Renjen; VSM VeteranBrig CS Kamboj; Brig Kiran Krishan; Col Rajan

Dear Sir,
I will be carrying an HDFC cheque of Rs 10,000/- as my further contribution to IESM.The same will be delivered tomorrow to you at the Rally site. We from IESM Panchkula will be coming in `strength`.I could not send it earlier as I was busy with my daughter`s wedding which concluded yesterday.Happily she is married to a Madras Sapper.

With Best Regards,
Brig SS Jaswal, Veteran Madras Sapper,
IESM, Panchkula.