Monday, May 18, 2009

Views by Col NK Balan on Lt Gen Raj Kadyan's stand on OROP

From: nkbalan col

Date: May 18, 2009 12:35 PM


Hi All,

By now, some of you might have recd the following letter from Gen Kadyan.I apologise to those for whom this is a repeat.
I also take this opportunity to share with you my views on the subject .Till now, I had bridled in my impulses ; but read all the ongoing exchanges on the subject of IESM with interest. It is time I express my views too , for whatever they are worth - atleast to add to the existing cacaphony.
First of all, I think Gen Kadyan's letter ( below ) is a sane and balanced one. Many of us do shout " I told you so" . And some did differ initially with the advisory expressed by the IESM . While all of us have our reasons and opinions, I personally support the actions till date of IESM . My reasons:-
- First of all, I support it because they are fighting for a justifiable cause. Period. OROP is something that is due to the Veterans as a right - something which was and is still denied to them . The principle behind it has been agreed to by the Supreme Court too in the recent Maj Gen's case and by some of the best legal brains in the country . Now the SC stand has to be converted into a general ruling in favour of OROP. We can differ on the way fwd to achieve this- how and when legally or by any other means. But, OROP per se is a matter of getting justice from a petty minded and deaf set of Netas and Babus.It is NOT a matter of largess being given to a spl class- the exservicemen. It is realising justice which has been denied and still held back from a class of citizens- the veterans .
- I believe that the core gp which is presently guiding the IESM , is a set of dedicated soldiers who have the best interests of the Services in their heart. They may not be very well organised ( They have derth of time, space and proper man power resources)But, they are working selflessly and at great personal cost .I happen to know some of them personally. They are as dedicated to the cause as any one of us- and more than most. It will be silly and unfair to chanllenge their dedication even while we question some of their actions.
- We are basically commanders , who do not flinch from taking responsibilities and decisions. And, who should have the moral courage to stand up and own up the decisions taken- even if they have gone wrong sometimes.Since I hate the idea of sitting back comfortably in a rocking chair and criticise others who work, I refrain from criticizing the IESM - even if for argument's sake they went wrong in giving an advisory. We have seen in life that it is those who dare and venture , who commit mistakes while it is the chair- borne critics who always come up with a mistake-free slate!!.
- I think it is wrong to call IESM as pro-BJP. There were many good reasons as to why an advisory was issued in a particular manner. Yes; there can be differences of perception. But, to impute reasons of personal gains to the people who took that decision under a particular set of circumstances, is unfair. And, ungentlemanly.

- As the name implies, an advisory is just that- an advice. I am sure we all know that. Especially when it is given to a set of divergent people who have their own personal political preferences and would in any case cast their votes as per their own ideas. Now, to call such an advisory as a " Fatwah " and mock as to how it was laughed at not only by oneself but by others around , is making a total bonfire of facts , truth and common sense. I am sure noone in his right senses, will call the advisory of IESM as a " Fatwah" - unless he has that compelling urge to be on a high of " Being Different". It is time we realise that "being different " is not always the same as being special or better!!.
-One does not expect the leadership of IESM to run away from their responsibilities. They had to take certain decisions under a given set of circumstances. They did , to the best of their ability. As comrades in arms, it is for us to stand together and strengthen the hands of people who are doing something positive on behalf of us all , rather than say " I told You'. Sitting at far away Kochi, I can only project myself into their position and ask whether I would have done anything different. Even if the answer is that my decision would have been different , I will still hold the hands of IESM. Because , they as a body of volunteers, are taking actions in our best and common interests while we retain the freedom to criticize and mock them! . Talk of uneven playing fields!!.

- And, finally, just because Congress has won now, it does not make the decision of IESM any more wrong. Or for that matter, if BJP had won, it will not make the decision any more correct/ acceptable. The winning or loss of any political party is transitional. But , matters of justice have to be permanent in nature. Only time will tell us whether the new Govt will have the wisdom and statemanship to do what is correct and not fall back on old mistakes.
I feel that it is time for us all to stand together and firm behind the IESM and look for ways to get what is right . I think this is more important than anything else. More so for the PBOR. Because, with the Lt Cols also getting into PB-4, all retd offrs are now financially well placed, even if there is no end to human greed. That is a fact.So, more than anything , we owe it to our men that the concept of OROP is won.
Sorry for this long missive. But, I had to let go of my feelings. Regards,