From: Bipin Pandey
Subject: OROP
To: ""REPORT MY SIGNAL" (CS Kamboj)"
Date: Tuesday, 19 May, 2009, 11:15 AM
Dear Brig Kamboj,
The mature decisions taken by IESM on various issues, taking OROP to ESM fraternity in every nook and corner of the country, giving it the shape of a nation wide movement, making the political class notice the movement and election advisory have all been to the least very laudable and commendable effort. IESM core group deserve KUDOS.
There will be several "I siad so" class of people. There always were and there will always be. Ignoring them will be the best policy for IESM. The objective is OROP. We must do everything possible (all well meaning measures) to achieve the objective. The measures can be political or apolitical or both. Therefore, the debate on "POLITICAL" or "APOLITICAL" also must cease. If we have to be POLITICAL to get the OROP through so be it.
Best Regards,
Col Bipin Pandey
New Jersey, USA