Monday, May 18, 2009

Mail from Col Thakur Singh Kaundal Independent Candidate from Mandi

From: thakur singh kaundal

Date: Sun, May 17, 2009 at 9:30 PM

Subject: Re: IESM SITREP - 17 MAY 09 -

To: Cdr Sharan Ahuja ,,

Dear Sir,

!. I had filed my nomination papers as an Indep candidate from Mandi,having got
clear instr from Gen Kadayan by tele followed by message through Brig Bhalla to not to use RRD banner .There upon I filed my papers as an INDEP. But I was approached by Congress people giving an under taking to handle all our issues.
I accordingly withdrew on 27apr09 in favour of sh Vir Bhadra Singh who has assured me that
he will ensure implementation of all the issues raised by me relating to ESM as well as local issues inter alia OROP.
It has been given a wide publicity by local media incl Tribune of 28 Apr09.
Let us therefore follow it up in right earnest,pursue it to its logical end, we have to remind the Congress the promise given by Sh.Vir Bhadra singh withwhom ,I campaigned for his success and got minimum 20,000 votes lead by ESM of Mandi .I have formely been taken into Congress Party on 27Apr09 after I withdrew my Papers.
I wish to hold A meeting with The Party High Command, any body willing to accompny me is welcome.I suggest ESM should formely nominate a delegation to be led by me to meet and discuss the matter.Incase agrred to ,liaison may be carried out with the Congress, earliest to meet the Cngress President
I am already a member of IESM however I am not getting the REPORT MY SIGNAL ,MAIL,request same be sent to me also.