From: Svipja Techno Consultants Pvt Ltd
Subject: Re: OROP
Date: Monday, 18 May, 2009, 8:07 AM
Dear Sirs,
Greetings !
'Logical Way Forward' and 'Maint of Aim' suggest that we must keep nudging the UPA Govt.(Govt. of the Day) with explicit support from the NDA in the Parliament for the OROP and Other Demands of ESMs. Pressure Points need to be retained and accelerated. Methods could change now having sensitised the system.
We need NOT be apologetic in sp the NDA. Let it be a long-term alliance. No one incl UPA can ignore just and manageable demands of the ESM / Security Forces.Well, they may take more time, and fullfil them under some other name.
IESM has moved forward with this 'Vision', open sp to ESM Demands by one of the two major parties, and let it be so w/o changing sides. IESM Core Group should exert on the environment.
Anything else will be unproductive.
Fond Regards,
(Brig Sukhwinder Singh)