From: prem parkash batra
Subject: Speak By: Shri Arun Shourie=India's Defence Policy -Safe Guarding National Security: 7th Maj Gen Samir Memorial Lecture At USI -29th April 2009
Dear Sir,
1. Today I attended the above captioned talk by Shri Arun Sourie at USI. The Auditorium was nearly 3/4th plus full after a long time. Air Chief Marshal Retired Tyagi chaired the session with the new Director Lt Gen PK Singh on the dais as the Initiator.
2. In my view, it perhaps was lesson by a Politician in National Security and India's Defence Policy. The Chair was adequate and more of an Air Force whistle than Tri-Service think. It was an impressive strategic think and answered the questions with capacity, knowledge and depth. He got a good ovation at the end. Some body said he is RM material.
3. Perhaps nearer your way of thinking but at a higher level. I think you have missed a good appreciation. Knowing your penchant I can but apprise you of some of the salient points that hit me and as I remember them.I do not know whether you can get a summary from USI. But may be some of your friends can help. Try VADM Inder Bedi.
A. Pakistan will not change its one point agenda. He cannot understand how helping a professed Enemy can advance India's security. Whether it is present dispensation or Taliban, it would remain adversarial to India.
B. Have a 20 years plan for China. Pakistan is its outsourced client for keeping nuisance value of India in check.
D. China is advancing at an astounding speed in Nepal. It has a strong influence in Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka via Pakistan. It is going to spend $100 Billion in South America. And it is going to outsource its production to Africa in a big way. China is welcomed there with open arms.
E. China has not rescinded from any of its positions vis-a-vis India.
F. Europe is bought out by China.
G. Be prepared for a USA withdrawal from Afghanistan and Iraq, elaborate smoke screen not withstanding.
H. Russia is decreasing in its population.
J. China would overtake Japan as the 2nd biggest economy next year.
5. GATBHANDAN Politics in India are going to get worse.
6. Civil Bureaucracy is not going to change.
7. Has any Chief ever put in his Papers for any thing. Forget about Gen Thimmaya case. If three Chiefs sign and put a case, would Govt. reject it!
8. Why are you waiting for Govt. to approve your Military Strategic Policy? Why you do not go ahead and implement?
9. Have you ever let the Govt know about the consequences of delays in sanctions or put in your papers.
10. Chief of Defence Staff. It is necessary but instead of pulling each other down have you let the Govt. know of your collective thinking.
11. There are certain things that being in Service you may find difficult to put it across. Then use your retired fraternity and put your perspectives in public domain. What are you afraid of? I am the only Editor of Daily who has been sacked twice. I have had three CBI inquiries. They came to my house many a times. But I got a clean chit every time.
12. I hope you do get some 'FUNDAS'.
With best regards,
Prem Batra
(Cdr Prem P Batra, New Delhi)