john philipose
show details May 6 (2 days ago) Reply
Dear Sir,
That was a good one Sir.But I think most of us are missing the point. The politicians are blamed left, right and centre for every ill of society. In their enthusiasm to prove that they do indeed call the shots, they even accept the blame or come out with irrational excuses or appoint committees. Actually the poor sods are harmless souls who at best could be blamed for clinging on to power at all costs. If in their shoes most of us would do the same.
The actual wolves in sheep's clothing are the bureaucrats who fire from the poor politician's shoulders.In case this nation has to progress the only way out is to abolish the IAS cadre.Technocrats are the answer. The Defence Secretary has to be a defence officer. No compromise to this requirement should be accepted. We should focus our energy in this direction.