From: Wg.Cdr. Shashank Bendre
Sent: Sunday, 13 September, 2009 12:44:13 PM
Subject: Rejoinder to mail from Praveen Davar- Congress-ex-servicemen-welfare cell
Dear Shri Praveen Davar,
Thank you for your mail "Welfare Ex-Servicemen", forwarded to all of us ex-servicemen.
I am very happy that the INC has a cell looking after the welfare of ex-servicemen, about the existence of which I and like me, many of my veteran colleagues were not aware.
I am a veteran from the Indian Air Force,a fact of which I am extremely proud. I have now attained the age of 70 yrs. and as an elderly person would like to present my views on what we expect from your cell.
At the outset, let me say that none of the ex-servicemen are satisfied with what your party has granted in the garb of OROP. It is nowhere near what is the conception of OROP in the minds of veterans. I am sure, that in future, you would maintain a close liaison with IESM which represents a large body of ex-servicemen, who will be able to present a better perspective of what the demand for OROP is. This will help you better in advising your party.
Besides that, there are many issues that rankle in the minds of ex as well as serving servicemen. The most important is the lowering of the status of Armed Forces personnel vis-a-vis their Civil counterparts. The status today is nowhere near what it was pre-independence. It might be argued that pre-independence era was different but I may remind your party that the result of neglect of Armed Forces and lowering its status was the 1962 debacle in the war with China. (The Gen. Henderson report is still kept under wraps as it is no secret that it will expose the failure of the then Congress Govt. in respect of the issue I am talking about). Moreover, even perhaps 5 to 6 years after independence the status was maintained though immediately post-independence, the salary of Armed Forces personnel was reduced (which has no precedent). and to the credit of the Armed Forces personnel, this was accepted in the right spirit thinking it was a one-time aberration. But subsequently, every step the Congress has taken, while in power at the centre is not in the interest of the servicemen community. The result is that there are not many volunteers for joining the Armed Forces as can be seen from the situation when there is a perpetual shortage of about 20% at the officer level in the three services. I would like to know what extra incentive is there for the young Indian to join the Armed Forces except "patriotism" (not to be equated with a Politician's patriotism) which makes him prepared to lay down his life for the country. Despite this, there are over 1.4 to 1.5 million of them serving the nation, fired by that ideal. But is it right on the part of the government to take advantage of that spirit and deny them their due? I am sure you would have heard or seen the esteem and regard in which the servicemen and even veterans are held in countries like the USA and UK. It has to be seen to be believed and I have experienced that personally. Can we say the same thing in India? No, because the leaders of the nation themselves have not recognised the worth of the Armed Forces. A nation which respects it's 'hero's will never have to worry about it's security.
Lastly, I would urge you to convince your partymen not to blindly led by the advice of the powerful IAS lobby. They have, in self-interest, been giving wrong advice to the Ministers. Look at the mess the 6th CPC, entirely composed of IAS and other Central Services, to the glaring exclusion of a single Servicemen's representative, made in respect of the Payband /Grade pay of Lt.Col. and Lt. gens.and equivalent ranks of the other two services which was partially rectified after a lot of dillydallying. Here, again, it was the adversarial attitude and ill-advised actions of the IAS lobby which led to the mess. This self-interest is bound to prove costly for the nation and consequently for interests of your party. In times of need-a war-god forbid it is not imposed on our nation- it will be the Armed Forces who will lay down their lives and not the chair-bound IAS personnel.
Please realise that there has been and still is a simmering discontent amongst the serving personnel from the lowest to the highest rank in the services. It is only that they do not openly display it because they are bound by the discipline of the service which puts nation above self-interest.
Your's sincerely.
Shashank Bendre,
Wing Commander(Retd