Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mail from Cdr R Pathak from pune to Praveen Davar

Dear Mr Praveen Davar

I am very grateful to you for the mail sent to various ESM organizations.It has given us a tremendous opportunity to educate our ESM(Veterans) on the manipulative skills of the INC and the UPA and how the Defence forces are still able to survive despite the very candid view of the First PM of India and a hallowed figure of the INC Mr Jawaharlal Nehru that INDIA DOES NOT NEED ARMED FORCES and ofcourse the valiant effort of INC's most damaging RM Mr Krishna Menon's attempt to convert Defence units into commercial production houses.

Dear Sir,we are thankful to Pakistan and the Chinese that hey have ensured survival of the Armed Forces in India by their actions.

I do not know if you have ever served in the Armed forces since you have not used any rank.But if you had then you should hang your head in shame for being a part of an organization that is bent upon making sure that the Defence forces are down and out in the Indian social milieu.

If you are not a veteran i can only say that this is the only thing we expect out of you mislead and spread wrong information and tell half truths.I am sorry but the INC has wronged the nation for too long with their sustained effort at fooling the gullible poor indian.

Please issue an immediate clarification to your mail clearly stating that OROP is not approved by the UPA and what has been granted as mere concessions and taken credit for is a discreet acceptance of the stand taken by the courts on certain issues.

I hope yoou have the courage to admit falsifying of information.


Cdr R W Pathak I.N.(Retd)
Cdr Ravindra Waman Pathak I.N.(Retd)(Mobile 919822329340