From: greh bhushan
To: Lt Gen K S Rao
Cc:;;; colonelrajan srinivas
Sent: Monday, 14 September, 2009 10:48:53 AM
Subject: Re: OROP
Dear Ge. Rao,
I appreciate Col. Yadav's very open and candid feelings & giving it back to Capt. Davar,who enjoys the benefits of his service & is holding a position, I am sure because of the service background. I am sure Capt. Davar will reflect after reading the response of Col.Yadav & have an introspection of what his blurred ideas about OROP is.
It is just unfortunate that our own clan is not able to fathom the gravity of the issue,and will not mind being sub-servient to the Babus. The degradation over the years in order of precedence,authority and general standing has taken such a beating that situation seems totally hopeless. Our slogans "IZZAT & IQBAL" seems to be of no consequence to them.
Our country's foundation is supposed to be laid on its Ethos, Commitments & Culture of its own origin. We trust each other and are sure of the commitment once it is made. Imagine the fall & down gradation in our commitment. The President Of India, The Supreme Commander Of the Armed Forces making a statement in Parliament that OROP shall be implemented, similarly the Defence Minister & The Finance Minister making similar statements have gone back or have conveniently forgotten what they committed a few days back.
When the Calamity strikes the Govt. & the Babus only remember the services for rescue. So far our soldiers are committed to the obligation they take at the time of their entry in the services, imagine for a while they also forget their obligation as our Politicians do all the time including this time our Supreme Commander, Defence Minister & the Home Minister, the consequences could be different.
But we are proud that "JAAN JAYE PAR VACHAN NA JAYE", we would rather sacrifice our lives rather than go back on our commitment.
See the recent furore over ECONOMY CLASS TRAVEL by MP's. It was amazing to see all the MP's appearing on TV's for a change supporting each others because it affected them. who other wise make slanderous remarks on each others & do not hesitate even going to limits which are not accepted from any cultural society leave aside from the people's representatives.
Lot of water has passed under the bridge in the last one year, it is a WAKE UP CALL for The Government & I hope good sense prevails & the Babus stop policy of divide & rule and agree to a very small & legitimate request by the Services lest it is too late.
Jai Hind.
Col. Dr. GB Sethi,