Am forwarding a mail from Balli Dhillon. FYI.
This was posted on blog Military Veterans.
Posted by: "baldev dhillon" biloodhilon
Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:53 am (PDT)
Dear Friends,
1. The action and the advisory issued at the Maha Rally has been
appreciated by all who attended the meeting. Gen Raj Kadyan had spoken for
about 10 minutes explaining the background as well as informing all
exservice-men present at the rally as well as being away that -;
[a] As per our law and the constitution ,all eligible voters are free to
vote as per their choice and this freedom we also give to all.exservicemen,
[b] As far as our view is concerned it is for consideration whether we
should vote for the exserviceman candidate or the candidate of the
political party who has promised to give our demands like ONE RANK ONE
[c] It was further highlighted that the Congress party had included OROP in
their manifesto in 2004 but they failed to implement and had the audicity to
reject it outright it a few months ago without assigning any reason,
[d] The core group felt that Shri LK Advani had personally come to address
our exservicemn who are on dharna at Jantar Mantar and had announced that
his party ie BJP will do its best to sanction OROP and to that extent he
has been sincere and it has been included in the election manifesto and also
they have gone a step further in including income tax exemption for the
armed forces which nobody has thought so far,
2. Gen Kadyan was right in his statements about choice for all
exservicemen, .He further clarified that he feels that if an exserviceman
candidate is standing in a particular constitunency then our vote
preferably should be given to him otherwise it should be given to the party
candidate ,which has promised to give OROP to us.However the final choice of
voting has been left to the voter.
3. Please do not pass comments at this juncture as any statements made
without having the clear picture will only be misleading.
4. Lastly I assure all that the Indian voter is more educated about his
rights and Please do not get surprised to see the results on the 16 may , as
There may be very big surprises and upsets because this time money /muscle
power will not help the criminals or the so called stalwarts because they
will be wiped out by the NEW WAVE of the YOUTH &MIDDLE CLASS , .The voting
percentage will be very high and many upsets are foreseen.
With Regards To All And Malice to NONE,
Col B S Dhillon -- Chandigarh