From: jaimala gupta
Subject: Advisory
Date: Friday, 17 April, 2009, 7:52 PM
Dear Raj ,
I have gone through all the mail receieved after the issue of advisory . While every one is entitled to his opinion and the opinion should be respected ,but when it is given without a viable solution , it merely becomes a debate .
Recently a few ESM from my village in Bihar visited me . They had heard about some ESM movement taking place to address their problems . They were extremely happy that atleast there is some one who is going to fight for their cause , long neglected .
They are ignorent as to who is concerned about their plight and whom should they vote for . It is normal in a village that voters approach their Elders for advice . Our Adviory does that .it is well timed .
I dont know if we can obtain the addresses of all ESM and mail them a pamphlet in their language, We will then have an informed ESM at grassroot level .
jaimala gupta