To: IESM_GovBody@yahoogroups.com
From: sharansahuja@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 22:40:17 -0800
Subject: [IESM_GovBody] CONTRIBUTION TO IESM..of 1 lac by Brig CS Kamboj....
Dear Kamboj Sir,
We thank you from the core of the heart for doing so much for IESM cause day and night.
Without your personal devotion via RMS at the cost of your health and time IESM would not have grown so dramatically and caught the imagination of Veterans spread throught the world.
Donations pouring from far and wide and specially your 16 NDA course is very much visible to all of us.It is wonderful t be associated with you on this mission of OROP and this donation of 1 lac would go a long way in making others also come forward.
Warm Regards
On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 10:14 PM, "REPORT MY SIGNAL" (Chander Kamboj)
12 Mar 10.
Dear CK and Vinod,
As my humble contribution, for the grand job you all are doing, I have made out a cheque for Rs 1 lakh, in favour of IESM Acct 06162000001330.
(HDFC Bank, D-1, Shopping Centre No 2,Vasant Vihar, New Delhi, cheque No 283445, date 12 Mar 10)
I will hand over the cheque and the donation form to you (or to Gen Satbir if you so say) on 13 Mar 10, before the Core Group Meeting.
You may please plan accordingly.
With my salute to All the Office Bearers of IESM.
Chander Kamboj
Copy to –All members of IESM Governing Body.