Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Views of Veteran Bhupal singh from Australia

Dear Gen Raj,

Thanx for the update reg Steering Committee Meeting. May I offer few suggestions--

a. The paper for OROP petition should be circulated through the
RMS Blog and suggestions invited from the ESM on the net.
Suitable suggestions should then be incorporated in the
petition before submitting to authorities concerned.

b. The Membership cards shoild be of electronic variety like those
of CSD or ECHS or Cr Cards etc and of longer life material.

c. I have submitted few times in the past also that in our country
the authorities do not give any significant thought to written
representations. Of course exceptions are there. I have sugges-
red in the past also that we must hold a rally of the magnitude
of over at least 200,000 ESM ( including fammilies of ESM)
to create an impact on the general public, media, politicians at
large and the Govt Authorities. Our age old concept of sticking
to soldiely ethics do no not cause any tangible impact.Our past
Rallies did not cause significant impact ( I do not mean to say
that those rallies were ineffective or were a waste ). In our
country unless the roads are choked and the traffic come to
stand still, no one takes note of the rallies. The Rally need not
be violent. But if it is massive in nature with lot of slogans
( which should be positive in nature ), banners & billboards
etc, it will certainly leave lasting impression on all those who
matter. This suggestion should be discussed by the Steering
Committee not only amongst themselves but with the Regional
/State Cells and then implemented.

2. With regards & best wishes to all,

Bhupal Singh, Veteran
