Urgent Need to Strengthen Defence Forces
Kindly peruse the attachment. Your views/comments will be highly appreciated. I personally consider it as a very serious and important matter for the strength and Unity of the country. Government ignored the Kargil Day as Unity Day of the country. The memory of ignoring Field Marshal Maneksha by the government at the time of his death- people of India will never forget.....
Hence I also intend to include
1. Three Services Chief/PSOs should never be appointed as Governor, etc after retirement so that they do not compromise the welfare of their officers and jawans during the service. After retiremeent if they want they can join any politcal party/contest as independent for political assignments.
2. It was highly demoralsing that retired officers/Jawans had to return their medals for bravery to the government and Services Chief/Defence Secy kept mum perhaps with an eye on assignments like Governor etc on retirement
3. Defence Secy should be from the defence Services to advise the Defence Minsiter and Prime Minsiter. IAS officers are not suitable for the assignment.
Defence Secy could be assited by Defence Experts in India as Joint Secy and Addl Secys
4. The Status of Defence Services Officers be raised vis-a-vis IAS officers
5. IAS Officers with almost no positve contibution to the country, reach the highest of the pay scale i.e Rs 80,000 (Basic) per month, it is about 5% for Defence Services Officers, and IPS about 25%, Central Services about 20%. This needs correction.
6. JCOs concept was for a colony by the British. They never had this system in their own country. Let young officers directly deal with soldiers and develop better rapport with them. Training programmes be suitably modified.
7. We should follow the world best models
8. There should always a separate Pay Commission for the Defence Services. Each Pay Commsiion had lowered the status of Defence Services Officers.etc etc..........Prem Sabhlok