From: James Kanagaraj
To: Kamboj Chander ; Cdr Sharan Ahuja ; raj kadyan ; VIJAY OBEROI ; Harbhajan Singh
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2009 7:16 AM
Subject: IESM: Open Letter- Call for Unity
Dear all,
We need to get all the ESM organisations together if the demand for "Pension Parity" for lakhs of PBORs is to succeed. We need to exert pressure on the Cabinet Committee to recommend OROP or APIP, whatever we call so that all pre 2006 ESM get justice. One Time Increase or bridging th gap is only a ploy by Government to hoodwink the ESM organisations into accepting a modified plan wrought with more anomalies. We need to guard against such machinations!
With regards and best wishes,
James Kanagaraj
Report My Signal Blog Team
Veteran Voice: Call for Unity
For all of those currently caught in the debate that is taking place within progressive ESM organizations; the common denominator amongst us is that we are all Ex Servicemen, all other considerations set aside. As such, we have quality of life issues that effect each and everyone of us, as well as that of our families, and increasingly that of our neighbors. We also have a responsibility to ensure that today's Jawans/ Soldiers are properly cared for. This, regardless of personal political ideology. There must be unity of purpose amongst us, in order to bring national focus on those issues, and create momentum for change or reform. Pragmatic solutions will not be forthcoming, not without our setting aside our political and ideological differences, and agreeing to work together on achievable common focus issues. By pooling our talents and our resources at the grass-roots, we can bring about change, at the national level.
The model for this as a workable strategy is exemplified by open letter to all the ESM community, from Raj Kadyan, Indian Ex Servicemen Movement, President. It is based on striving for unity as spoken by Vijay Oberoi, SK Bahri, and ever so many other Veterans; they have already put the plan into action which is slowly but surely bearing fruits. Unity of purpose, and clearly defined achievable works!
James Kanagaraj